Pineapple Lily

Pineapple Lily.jpg

A Plant Choice for Fall Gardens 

One of my garden goals is to have eye-catching plants at every time of the year.  We’re fortunate to live in an area where that’s an easy and fun exercise.  In late August, I’m very happy to see my pineapple lily (Eucomis ‘Rhode Island Red’) coming into its full splendor.  Not only is this plant one of my many favorites, but it’s also endorsed by Dan Hinkley.  Although this perennial lily, part of the Asparagus family, disappears in the winter, in late spring it brings much joy as the first strappy leaves push through the ground.  The early growth is a deep burgundy, which adds interest to the garden in color and texture even before the flower spikes develop.  But when other perennials are coming to the end of their summer glory, this lily is still going strong.  It is well-behaved with a compact shape, growing to over three feet tall.  A big plus is the rabbit and deer resistance.  Nurture this one, my fellow garden nerds!  We can always squeeze another focal plant into our garden beds.  Happy gardening.
From our treasurer, Sarah Cheng