The SBGS has no formal offices. If you’d like to contact us in person, you can find us working in the gardens we support - The Lower Commons Native Plant Demo Garden, and the Heritage Garden in Big Rock Park Central. Hope to see you there!
1516 220th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA
For general inquiries: info@sammamishbotanical.org
For Heritage Garden inquiries and volunteer opportunities: heritage@sammamishbotanical.org
Mailing Address ONLY
Sammamish Botanical Garden Society
23708 SE 18th St.
Sammamish, WA 98075
Visit Big Rock Park & The Lower Commons
The SBGS is currently engaged with the city and our partners on these two projects:
Big Rock Park Central opened as of June 2nd, 2021 at 1516 220th Ave. SE Sammamish, WA. It is the site of the historic Reard House, a special tree house, and the Heritage Garden, which is a project created and maintained by the SBGS. Over three miles of meadow and woodland trails connect Big Rock Park North and Central. Enjoy a walk and the ongoing discoveries in our beautiful Sammamish parks system.
The September Heritage Garden and Reard House in Big Rock Park Central. Photo courtesy of Marianne Wilkins.
The Lower Commons is located at 550 222nd Place SE, Sammamish, WA. There are community gardens, open play areas, tables and restrooms. The steps leading from the community gardens are bordered by native plants, which have been enhanced and have botanical signs and a plant database: The Native Plant Gardens. The SBGS is assisting the Sammamish Stewards, trained by the Washington Native Plant Society, with this ongoing project. Enjoy the walk while learning about native plants to add to your own gardens.
Appreciate every season of the year as you walk along the paths, including the improved stairs to the lower gardens in 2023. Below are photos taken in the April Lower Commons in 2022 - Clockwise from upper left: tall Oregon grape, palmate coltsfoot, trillium and flowering currant. If you would like to join our efforts, we meet most Fridays during weed growing season from 10 am to noon. Send us an email: heritage@sammamishbotanical.org.